Invited Talk: Dare to Share

Over the last few years we have given a few invited talks on repeatability, reproducibility, and sharing. The last keynote presented at the CPs-IoTBench Workshop held in Montreal was entitled “Dare to Share: Risks and Rewards of Artifact Sharing in Computer Science”. The slides are here: materials. This is the third such talk, others having been presented at the ACM SIGCOMM 2017 Reproducibility Workshop, Reproducibility’17, and the 2017 Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, ACSAC 33.

Abstract: We report on our experiences with artifact—mostly code—sharing in Computer Science research. We recount some personal anecdotes, report on outcomes from a deception study, and show initial data from a longitudinal study of sharing rates from our artifact indexing site We then discuss the steps that we need to take—as academic departments, publishers, funding agencies, and as individual educators and researchers—to improve the sharing of artifacts in Computer Science.

Written by Christian Collberg