Sample Conference 2017

Title/Authors Title Research Artifacts
[?] A research artifact is any by-product of a research project that is not directly included in the published research paper. In Computer Science research this is often source code and data sets, but it could also be media, documentation, inputs to proof assistants, shell-scripts to run experiments, etc.

This is a sample paper

First1 Last1, First2 Last2

This is a sample paper

Artifacts for some papers are reviewed by an artifact evaluation, reproducibility, or similarly named committee. This is one such paper that passed review.
Artifact evaluation badge awarded
Author Comments: Pull requests are welcome.
Discussion Comments: 0
Sharing: Research produced artifacts
Verification: Authors have verified information

This is another sample paper

First1b Last1b, First2b Last2b

This is another sample paper

Discussion Comments: 0
Verification: Authors have not verified information