ACM Foundations of Software Engineering, FSE 2017

Article Details
Title: Where is the bug and how is it fixed? an experiment with practitioners
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Authors: Marcel Böhme
  • National University of Singapore
Ezekiel O. Soremekun
  • Saarland University
Sudipta Chattopadhyay
  • Singapore University of Technology and Design
Emamurho Ugherughe
  • SAP Berlin
Andreas Zeller
  • Saarland University
Sharing: Research produced artifacts
Verification: Authors have verified information
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Artifacts for some papers are reviewed by an artifact evaluation, reproducibility, or similarly named committee. This is one such paper that passed review.
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DBLP Key: conf/sigsoft/BohmeS0UZ17
Author Comments: 291 (in)correct patches from real software professionals for 27 real bugs in C for the qualitative evaluation of automated debugging and repair techniques

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