ACM/IEEE Intl. Conf. for High Perf. Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC 2014

Article Details
Title: Dissecting On-Node Memory Access Performance: A Semantic Approach
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Authors: Alfredo Giménez
  • University of California - Davis, Department of Computer Science
Todd Gamblin
  • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Center for Applied Scientific Computing
Barry Rountree
  • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Center for Applied Scientific Computing
Abhinav Bhatele
  • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Center for Applied Scientific Computing
Ilir Jusufi
  • University of California - Davis, Department of Computer Science
Peer-Timo Bremer
  • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Center for Applied Scientific Computing
Bernd Hamann
  • University of California - Davis, Department of Computer Science
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Artifact Evaluation Badge: none
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DBLP Key: conf/sc/GimenezGRBJBH14
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